Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Bad Health Effects of Frequent, Prolonged Sitting

Welcome Back! Here's what's new...
I’ve been saying for many years that one of the best things you can do to improve your health is to be more active.  And one of the ways to do it that is low tech and doesn’t require a heck of a lot of thought is making a conscious effort to stand more than you usually do throughout your day; especially for those who have sedentary desk jobs.
When you stand, you burn more calories because you engage your erector spinae muscles, gluteal muscles and of course leg muscles.   You can burn at least 100 more calories a day simply by standing for two hours more.    It’s also better for your posture.   And get this, other research says that sitting can cause your bad cholesterol levels to rise because it deactivates spinal muscles that prefer to burn fatty acids for energy.
study just a few years ago revealed a positive correlation between hours spent sitting and premature death.   The American Cancer Society study found that women who sit for more than six hours a day were about 40% more likely to die during the course of the study than those who sat fewer than three hours per day. Men were about 20% more likely to die.  Now that is a risk factor that can easily be avoided.
If you have a desk job that requires sitting two or more hours straight, or is such that it is easy to get caught up in your work and sit for that amount of time or longer (common for software programmers, researchers, accountants and attorneys to name a few) you need to find a way to remind yourself to stand periodically and ideally do some simple exercises while you are at it, like squats, lunges or doing a couple of laps in your building’s staircase or stair well.  Incorporating such a simple routine can have a huge impact on your health, now and in the future.
Lastly, check out this modern concept office workstation by Focus.  It is much better for your back than traditional workstations that place max pressure on your lumbar discs, potentially increasing your chances of developing degenerative disc disease.  The unique design of the Focus workstation results in much less pressure on your lower back and engages the spinal muscles and leg muscles more than a traditional chair with a back rest.  This will allow you to work longer hours without as much risk.  But still, it’s better to get off your butt every 20-30 minutes and walk to prevent the bad stuff from happening.

Spinal Stenosis – What it Is, and What to Do

Welcome Back! Here's what's new...
spinal stenosis
Spinal Stenosis
Recently, Carrie Ann Inaba, one of the judges of the show Dancing With the Stars publicly announced that she has been suffering for quite some time from cervical spinal stenosis- a condition in which the canal that encases the spinal cord in the neck narrows and obstructs nerve tissue.  She explained how her condition impacts her life, limiting her from doing the things she loves to do.  To Carrie Ann’s dismay, she no longer dances with a partner for fear of getting whiplash and paralysis.  That’s quite unfortunate for someone whose entire career revolved around dancing.
Although spinal stenosis is a generalized term for narrowing of the spinal canal by any cause, the most common type, which will be discussed here, is the type caused byosteophytes– growth of bony projections that narrow the openings where nerves pass through.  Advanced osteophytic activity is also referred to as spondylosis.  When it is severe enough to narrow the spinal canal (foramen) it then creates the condition known as spinal stenosis.  For your information, other forms of spinal stenosis are those caused by herniated discsspondylolisthesis, tumors or any mass that encroaches into the spinal canal.
In her article, Carrie Ann mentioned that spinal stenosis is a form of arthritis and that she is anxious to find a cure for it.  Unfortunately spinal stenosis is not one of those conditions that can resolve on its own with rest, exercise and time and other non- invasive measures.  And since the inflammation from spinal stenosis is secondary to irritation of nerves, it is technically not a type of arthritis.  That is why anti-inflammatory medications have minimal effect on the pain associated with spinal stenosis, which is typically deep, sharp and radiating in nature.
Spinal stenosis occurs when vertebrae, the bones that comprise the spinal column gradually morph in a way that constricts the spinal foramen (canal), or space where the spinal cord resides.  When there is less space for the spinal cord to move, it is subject to more abrasion with spinal movement; i.e. bending and turning your neck.  The cord (actually, meninges or covering of the cord) rubs against sharp edges of the bony projections into the foramen with movement causing inflammation and injury to the nerve tissue, sometimes causing sclerosis (hardening).   In advanced cases, especially  cases of lumbar spinal stenosis (due to the more significant weight burden) the narrowing gets so advanced that there is constant pressure on the nerve roots.  At this point, it is an emergency situation as renal function and sensation to the legs are affected.
Signs of advanced spinal stenosis include paresthesias, sharp pain with movement, weakness in the extremities, and muscle atrophy in legs and/or arms.  Symptoms can be permanent if not treated early.
And what is the treatment for spinal stenosis?  First of all, doctors will usually order MRI and x-ray to determine extent of narrowing.  If it is caught early, physical therapy and lifestyle modification is recommended.   The goal is to slow down or stop the progression of the narrowing.
Surgery is the only option for advanced cases.  Since spinal stenosis involves physical structures compressing nerve tissue, there are surgical procedures that can enlarge the spinal canal by scraping off the encroaching bone material and buy the patient more time.  Since bone is comprised of live cells, the movement of bony projections (called osteophytes) into the spinal canal is still likely after surgery and many who have had such spinal decompression surgeries develop the same problem several years later.
It’s not quite evident why some people suffer from spinal stenos more than others.  But those who have a history of physical trauma to the spine like car accidents, sports injuries and falls are at a higher risk.  The theory is that the injury event disrupts the normal alignment of the spinal segments resulting in accelerated wear and tear over time;  much like how a loose screw in a machine accelerates mechanical failure.  Some orthopedists hypothesize that the appearance of bony projections is the body’s attempt to fuse and stabilize adjacent vertebrae so they can no longer move separately; thus reducing the probability of injury.  However, the nerves that share the space with the vertebrae get damaged in the process.    If this theory holds true, then it is an inherent design flaw of the body’s self-healing mechanisms.
Also, heavy smoking and obesity, and general poor health can increase your chances of developing spinal stenosis.
I’m sure more than one doctor broke the news to Ms. Inaba that there basically is no “cure” for spinal stenosis once it is in its advanced stages, which appears to be her case based on her own description of her symptoms.  It is a mechanical condition that mandates mechanical intervention.  No amount of drugs will cure spinal stenosis from advanced osteophyte formatioin.   Her only option at this point is spinal decompression surgery to widen the spinal canal and hope that the nerve tissue did not sustain permanent damage.
The best strategy for dealing with spinal stenosis is prevention.  If you sustained injury to your spine from a car accident (even a low impact one that did not require medical treatment), a sports injury (including repetitious trauma like that related to gymnastics and football) or slip and fall, realize that “the seed” for spinal stenosis may have been planted in you already.  If your injury event was over five years ago, get an x-ray to identify any levels where osteophytes are present; these are the sentinels of potential areas of spinal stenosis as they identify areas of biomechanical weakness.  If there are some, the first course of action is to not worsen things.  Avoid or reduce activities that regularly place trauma to your spine.  Engage in specific exercises that strengthen the neck and lower back to offer more stability.  Stretch often (yoga is a great choice) and take care of the insides of your body as well with proper diet, nutrition, hydration and adequate rest.
Lastly, the Cervical and Lumbar Posture Pump is a home rehabilitation device that tractions and separates vertebrae to hydrate the discs and increase nutrient absorption which can slow down the progression of spinal stenosis if done diligently on a regular basis.  I have personally used them in my practice, and patients reported positive results.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

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Back Joy - Video Demonstration

Back Pain From Sitting at The Office

Back Pain Symptoms

Office Stretch Routine (Part 2)

Office Stretch Routine (Part 1)

Monday, November 11, 2013

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Acupressure Treatments : Acupressure for Obesity

Acupressure : Tapping Acupressure for Weight Loss

Weight Loss Acupressure - Easily Follow Diets and Lose Weight

Acupuncture for Low Back Pain

How to eliminate backpain with acupressure points

How To Yoga Stretches for Low Back Pain & Sciatica Relief by Jen Hilman

Stretches for Back Pain Relief, How to Stretch Routine, Beginners Home Yoga

*** LOW BACK PAIN RELIEF EXERCISES - Fast & Helpful Techniques! ***

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

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Percutaneous Discectomy

Monday, October 21, 2013

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013


My Gurudeva's Blessings be ever upon you

Guru Maharaj Blesses you

Surrender to Thee

Yoga and Health
by       SwamiAdhyatmananda


 We were once traveling from Surendranagar to Baroda. An announcement was made at Viramgam junction that bogey No. X of Saurashtra mail wherein we were traveling was defective and passengers should change the compart­ment upto Ahmedabad. That bogey was disconnected at Viramgam. Passengers were requested to excuse for the difficulty they were put in and we were obliged to change the compartment.

There were many youths sitting in that bogey. They were playing mischief. It was a jumble of dances and songs. One very handsome well-built youth was sleeping on one of the benches at the noontime. I wondered whether I should request him to get up. But at least, one could ask, are you sick my friend? “I understand that all those students were traveling to Baroda to play an inter-university hockey tournament. The boy found sleeping was the captain of the team and all of them were traveling from Rajkot University and the captain, while going for a wash in the basin in the morning, tried to bend forward which resulted in sprain of the back. 
In such a case, the back becomes stiff. The gentleman could not either sit or bend because of the stiffness. He could not even bend forward. He could only lie sleeping on the wooden bench with straight back and facing the top of the carriage.

I made him perform Shavasana in the running train. Thereafter I made him perform Kati-utthanasana. I then asked him to sleep prone with belly supported on the bench. Thereafter I made him perform Bhujangasana and Naukasana; thereafter he rested for a few minutes in Makarasana. Again I made him sleep face upward and made him perform deep breathing (Sivananda Pranayama). I then requested him to sit up and this friend could sit up easily with composure. We also got immediate advantage that we could, instead of standing, sit down, on the benches, his getting up allowed us to sit. He was told “an orthopedic surgeon “is to receive us at Baroda railway station. He is a very well known and the senior most orthopedic doctor of Gujarat, we will consult him on reaching Baroda. On reaching Baroda Dr. Gopal Merchant advised that captain to repeat the exercise very slowly three times during the day “This will make you all right.” Next day in the late evening that friend visited us in the house of Dr. Merchant and had brought fruits, sweets and garland. He wanted to express thanks as he could play as captain. His pain in the back had disappeared and their team had won. 

This captain was a Jew. Thereafter he came to our Rajkot branch of Divine Life Society and learnt Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation. At present he is a well-known Hockey teacher and regularly teaches Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation to his sport students.

Backpain is the pain at the end of spinal column and in the muscles connecting the bones. Mostly both young and old get this pain but if it is not treated in time the disease takes a permanent shape. Ladies suffer backache to a great extent during the period of menstruation. It is also possible that this pain may result in fever if the pain is excessive. 


 (1) This type of pain can result from a sudden weight straining the ligament of the back. The muscle and the ligament that suffer accidental weight or increase in tension become too sensitive. A little touch or pressure or a pull can result in too much of pain.

 2) One would surely suffer from backache if one sits in an odd manner. It is possible for the back to be stiff for a person working as clerk in the office, cashier, typist, computer operator, rickshaw driver, taxi driver, labourer, cobbler, goldsmith, tailor, musician playing instruments and all workers who work with bent back. Even doctors performing four, five or more operations at a time can also suffer from backache.

3) Backache can also result if any heavy weight is suddenly lifted up or if at the time of lifting the weight, very often weight is lifted with a jerk or if weight is not lifted by sharing the weight on legs and after lowering the body downward half way but the weight is lifted in an odd manner of lifting, back suffers unnecessary weight and backache results.

(4) If there is a difference in the length of both the legs or if one walks with a leg improperly supported, then also backache results.

(5) If one has a slip-disc, if the spinal column is uneven or if there is a tumor in the spinal cord, the same can cause backache.

(6) If one suffers from chronic constipation, chronic colitis, if the stools are sticky, if the stools are irregular then also you can suffer from bad smell emanating from the mouth and the knees suffer pain. Ladies suffering from leucorrhoea also suffer pain. 


If there is some ordinary pain in the back or if the ligament has suffered pull; by taking pain killing drugs like aspirin, ordinary pain can be removed. But if it is very painful, some more effective medicine has to be taken for relaxation of the muscles. One should get properly and carefully examined by a doctor and one should take precau­tion as well as treatment as advised by the doctor. In cases of backaches, one should take complete rest by sleeping on a hard bed and keeping the spinal column completely straight. The backache can also be treated by massage, hot water bag on the back, ultraviolet heat and necessary exercise. All these descriptions pertain to ordinary pain. But if pain is a result of chronic dysentery, chronic colitis, chronic constipation, then either massage from outside or taking medicine for pain will hardly result in any advantage. 

In such circumstances where backache has become chronic, mere general medical examination will not do. It is equally essential to get the stools examined, as is the need to get X-Ray taken. Colitis is one separate subject, which we are not discussing at present. But backache resulting from colitis requires exercises as well as need for complete care about food, such as reduction of oil, chilies and sour things. Do not consume tamarind powder and mango powder. You can consume tomatoes and lemon. You must completely stop the consumption of garlic, onion, and meat as well as eggs. You must consume one glass full of zero fat milk after removal of cream and in the food of noon you should definitely take fresh non-sour curd which is prepared after removal of cream and which is not made by keeping in a fridge. One must make use of green vegetable salad along with the meal. One should also take medicine as advised and directed by the doctor 


(1) Keep the teeth properly cleaned. Clean the mouth thoroughly after meal. We do not have a habit of gargling after we eat pizza and coke. This is not proper. One must thoroughly clean the mouth by gargling after eating anything or chewing any eatable. We are not habituated to clean our mouth after consumption of chewing gum, chocolate, pickles, tea and coffee. Normally in India people go on consuming peanuts, horse-grams, bhel-puri, pani-pakodi, dabeli and sandwich. In Kathiawad, people consume half cup of tea but add six spoons of sugar in a cup. They consume tea which is strong and over sweet. If one does not clean the teeth and mouth properly after eating or drinking anything, one can suffer from backache. Since a last few years, youth is addicted to consume tobacco as well as ‘Mayo’ and pouches of mixed tobacco. By retaining these things of addiction in the mouth, one definitely starts having back pain initially but ultimately it results in cancer. One should therefore, form a habit of brushing the teeth before going to bed and take tea and breakfast only after cleaning the mouth and teeth properly after getting up. We may have brushed our teeth at night, therefore, to have the habit of taking bed tea in the morning without cleaning the mouth is bad for teeth, health and back also.

(2) One can suffer back-pain even if body weight is more than essential. It is observed that when Yoga-shibirs are arranged in Punjab, bodies of people are very fat and with excess weight. Their biceps and muscles of the hands occupy the circumference equal to our thighs. During the conduct of the class if we remark “Mataji” raise your back (Kamar) a bit, we immediately get a reply “Mahatmaji” we can raise the Kamar when it is there, but now it has become a ‘Kamara’ (room). This is their truthful confession. What to do? There is a saying in Punjab, “Rajke Kha    te Dabke Va” that means eat plenty and do work also plenty. But now a days, eating has increased too much, but working habit is com­pletely nil. Servants mostly do all the jobs. In America, everything is done by electrical gadgets. Thus because the ligaments, and muscles of the waist and the back do not get enough exercise in the manner that is required, that part becomes rigid and brittle, hence on suffering even a small tension, the back gets stiff. We now look at Asanas pertaining to the back. 


(1) Sleep with your belly on the ground. (see the chapter, on Asthma-2)

(2) Keep both the hands on both the sides of chest and on the ground with palms facing on the top and fingers of the hands remaining touching each other, the fingers should not project beyond the shoulders, the elbows should remain parallel to each other and should be pointing towards the ceiling of the building.(see chapter Asthma -2)

(3) Keep the paws of the leg and the heels touching each other and bent in the fashion of the tail of a serpent pointing on the back side.

(4) Now take a deep breath and go on lifting the weight of the body slowly on both the hands,lift the head, neck and chest upto the navel. Retain the breath.

(5) Try to remain in the above position for one and a half minutes. In the initial stages, breath cannot be retained inside so long and hence after raising up the body you should continue breathing normally 

Thereafter, come down slowly Take rest in Makarasana.

One gets pressure on the end of spinal column by this exercise and back pain gets relief. 


(1)   Sleep with belly on the ground.

(2)   Keep both the legs together. Keep heels as well as paws also together.

(3)   Take both the hands upto waist along the back and hook the fingers.

(4)   Take a deep breath and on one side in the front raise the head, shoulder and chest and on the other side raise thighs without bending the legs from the knees. The shape of the body will resemble a boat. Here also the blood will move towards the waist. Weight of the body will also be borne on the waist. This practice of Baddha­naukasana relieves pain in waist appreciably Try to remain steady in this Asana every time for 1 to 2 minutes. Initially if this is not possible, you may increase the period slowly 
Baddha-naukasana (Fig—35)


(1)   Lie on the ground with back remaining on the ground.

(2)   Keep the palms of both the hands on the ground, keep both the legs straight on the ground.

(3)   Now bend both the legs one after the other slowly from the knees and bring those right up to the buttocks.

(4)   Keep distance equal to the distance between the shoul­ders in between the two legs.

(5)   Now transfer the weight on both the legs and both the hands and raise the waist as much as possible and remain steady Breathe normally

(6)   In this position Kati which means waist and Utthan means raised. Remain in this condition for I to 2 minutes. If this is not possible repeat this Asana two or three times.
(Fig—36)Kati-utthan­ asana


(1) Sit in Vajrasana. For Vajrasana bend the knees with both the legs, on the head side, both the paws kept together, both the heels kept apart, and buttocks, resting on both the heels. (see Hyper-acidity)

(2) Now lift the waist. Get up on the knees. Thereby half the body will remain at right angle to the other half.

(3) Keep both the hands on the waist. vend backward,pull the head on the hack side. Do not bring the buttocks down. Pull the whole part of the waist in the opposite direction. This is the most easy position.

(4) Now raise both the legs on both the paws. Thereby heels will come nearer on the ground and nearer the two hands.

(5) Hold both the heels with both the hands; it may not be possible to do so at a time hence hold one after the other.

(6) Do not allow the but­tocks to go down. Keep the opposite side of the waist pulled in the opposite direction. This is Ushtrasana.

(7) Now turn both the legs in the reverse direction, so that the paws of the legs remain on the top. By doing so, heels will go still lower. Keep holding the
heels in this position and perform Ushtrasana. In the initial stages this will be found a little difficult but once you catch hold of the position you will feel very good.

(8) Ushtrasana has proved a panacea and a boon for all the pain in the waist, hump and cervical spondylosis.

Those who suffer from pain in waist will not find it easy to sit on the ground, crossed legged. At the time of sitting they should take a support of a pillow such that the buttocks remain a little above and knees touch the ground.
Ushtra-asanp (Fig—37)


      First inhale deeply. One has to make a sound from the neck via the nose as if there is a humming of a black bee m performing this Pranayama. Then simulate the sound of humming through the neck. Keep the continuation of hum­ming as long as it is possible depending on the capacity of containing the breath. Do not continue making an .... un... un... un... sound unnecessarily if the breath gets exhausted. Keep the sound neither too high nor too low depending on the sound produced in your. neck and bring the sound out through the nose. At the time of Bhramari Pranayama, mouth should remain closed. 

      By performing this Pranayama the speed of blood circulation increases. The practice of Bhramari Pranayama is helpful in the pain connected with all the joints. 


(1) Lie dawn with the face up on the wooden bench.

(2) Relax the body

(3) Keep the fist open, legs a little relaxed and widespread.

(4) Now listen to the beating of the heart.

(5) Remain a witness of the inhalation as well as exhalation.

(6) Create a feeling that your body is peaceful, composed, and completely disease-less. (see Asthma-2)

(7) In this manner without the movement of any part of the body, remaining fully composed having no restlessness of any type go deep in mental quiet attitude.

Note:      Practice of Shalabhasana at the end of Bhujang­asana and practice of Dhanurasana on completion of Ushtrasana are found very advantageous in the pain in the waist. Therefore, without any type of hurry, with perfect quiet attitude, composed, and with patience, practise Asanas and Bhramari as well as Omkar Pranayamas. 



Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Heal a Bulging Disc - Exercises To Do

Functional Exercises to Strengthen Core and Back

Do this simple thing to add years to your life

Welcome Back! Here's what's new...
No, it’s not quit smoking, exercising more, or eating a healthy diet I’m talking about; although these things can add years to your life.
You know what it is?  Answer:   stop sitting too much!
We are living in a society that encourages sitting, thanks to computers.    Many jobs require it.  Using the computer at home to surf the web, check bank accounts, shop, etc. require it.  School requires it.  Going to restaurants and coffee shops require sitting.    Evidence is showing that prolonged sitting promotes disease, malady and death in epidemic proportions.
The latest study examining the relationship to prolonged sitting and morbidity tracked over 50,000 men and 69,000 women over the course of 13 years.   Study participants indicated if they sat less than 3 hours per day total or over six hours per day, total.  The results showed that women who sat the most were 37% likely to die, and for men who sat the most, they were 18% more likely to die than the rest of the study participants.   The association remained virtually unchanged after adjusting for physical activity level; meaning, a woman who sat for more than six hours a day who exercised regularly stillhad the same chance of dying than a woman who sat for more than six hours per day and did not exercise regularly.
Numerous other studies done in the past show that prolonged time spent sitting, independent of physical activity, affects metabolism and may influence things like triglycerides, high density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol) fasting plasma glucose, resting blood pressure, and leptin, which are biomarkers of obesity and cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.
It is clear by now that prolonged sitting, which can be defined as over four hours per day, is a threat to your health.   There needs to be more public health announcements on this.  Imagine the billions of dollars in health care costs that we as a country can realize if everyone knew not to sit too long, as well as all the lives that can be saved.
If you are in a job that requires prolonged sitting, I suggest that you print out the study (link below) and show it to your supervisor.  Tell him or her that you take this seriously, and you must be allowed to stand up and walk at least once an hour,  for 15 minutes.  Or, stand up and walk every 15 minutes of sitting, for about five minutes.

The Bad Health Effects of Frequent, Prolonged Sitting


I've been saying for many years that one of the best things you can do to improve your health is to be more active.  And one of the ways to do it that is low tech and doesn’t require a heck of a lot of thought is making a conscious effort to stand more than you usually do throughout your day; especially for those who have sedentary desk jobs.
When you stand, you burn more calories because you engage your erector spinae muscles, gluteal muscles and of course leg muscles.   You can burn at least 100 more calories a day simply by standing for two hours more.    It’s also better for your posture.   And get this, other research says that sitting can cause your bad cholesterol levels to rise because it deactivates spinal muscles that prefer to burn fatty acids for energy.
study just a few years ago revealed a positive correlation between hours spent sitting and premature death.   The American Cancer Society study found that women who sit for more than six hours a day were about 40% more likely to die during the course of the study than those who sat fewer than three hours per day. Men were about 20% more likely to die.  Now that is a risk factor that can easily be avoided.
If you have a desk job that requires sitting two or more hours straight, or is such that it is easy to get caught up in your work and sit for that amount of time or longer (common for software programmers, researchers, accountants and attorneys to name a few) you need to find a way to remind yourself to stand periodically and ideally do some simple exercises while you are at it, like squats, lunges or doing a couple of laps in your building’s staircase or stair well.  Incorporating such a simple routine can have a huge impact on your health, now and in the future.
Lastly, check out this modern concept office workstation by Focus.  It is much better for your back than traditional workstations that place max pressure on your lumbar discs, potentially increasing your chances of developing degenerative disc disease.  The unique design of the Focus workstation results in much less pressure on your lower back and engages the spinal muscles and leg muscles more than a traditional chair with a back rest.  This will allow you to work longer hours without as much risk.  But still, it’s better to get off your butt every 20-30 minutes and walk to prevent the bad stuff from happening.
